19 Effective Marketing Tips for Plant-Based Health Coaches
You’re in the right place if you’re searching for ideas to create an effective marketing plan as a plant-based health coach. A tailored marketing plan is crucial for your plant-based coaching business to grow and thrive.
Please keep in mind that implementing an effective marketing plan is ongoing. It’s NOT a one-and-done kind of thing!
Getting Started With Plant-Based Health Coaching Marketing
Before you can effectively market your plant-based health coaching business, you need to address a few things. These things will help you move forward with truly understanding your ideal audience and forming better connections with them.
Advantages of Having an Effective Marketing Strategy:
Raise more brand awareness.
Establish authentic and memorable connections with your clients.
Have future ideal clients find you and reach out to book your services.
Boost your sales and have a more reliable source of income.
Be able to focus more on the things you enjoy most in life.
The first things on your list should be:
1. ) Determine Your Target Audience
Your target audience is one of the most important things to determine first. Without establishing this information, you will have a difficult time creating an effective marketing strategy. Think about who you want to serve. Later, when you’re creating a marketing strategy, this will help you tremendously if you are specific.
Here are some things to consider:
Age Groups (e.g., 25-32; over 60)
Individual Wellness or Family Wellness (i.e., Does your ideal client want to work with you individually or do they want family health coaching services?)
Audience’s Main Focus (e.g. Improving their current level of health; Preventing health issues)
2. ) Conduct Market Research
When conducting market research for your plant-based health coaching business, you should list major competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and the similar things they are doing. You can also interview people who are considered to be your target audience.
3. ) Identify Struggles and Needs
To determine your audience’s struggles and needs, you should listen more than you speak. Isn’t that why we have two ears and only one mouth? You might be surprised at how much insightful information you learn when listening to them. By listening and envisioning yourself in their shoes you will have a better understanding of their problems, needs, and how to create solutions.
4. ) Identify What Sets You Apart
After you complete your initial market research and determine what similar things your major competitors are doing, you can now work on identifying what sets you apart from them and showcase it. This is your golden ticket!
5. ) Create a Marketing Strategy
Previously, I mentioned how being specific with your target audience selection will help you when creating a marketing strategy. Now, you can create a customized marketing campaign that will help you connect more with your clients. As a result, this can lead to increased conversions for your services.
It’s common for business owners to feel overwhelmed with all the different marketing strategies out there. It’s understandable, and trust me, I’ve been there too. Start by selecting one you can consistently manage and enjoy creating and implementing.
Another suggestion is to follow an organic marketing strategy instead of purchasing paid ads. If you only use paid ads, what happens to all the leads you get when you stop purchasing ads? They go away, right? An organic marketing strategy is more beneficial because you build an authentic audience and can have better engagement.
6. ) Set Realistic and Specific Goals
Don’t go overboard by thinking things will change overnight. Please don’t expect to triple your leads within one month or have 50,000 website visitors within two months. You need to stay grounded and create realistic goals with reasonable time frames. Remember, you want them to be something you can realistically achieve.
Examples of unrealistic and non-specific goals:
Improve brand awareness
Increase sales
Grow email list
Generate more leads
Increase website traffic
Examples of realistic and specific goals:
Book 6 new clients within the next 4 months by participating in 3 networking events each month.
Increase website traffic by 25% over the next 12 months by publishing one high-quality blog post once a week.
Grow Instagram engagement rate from 10% to 15% within 6 months by posting relevant and educational content that our followers already highly engage with us on, daily.
7. ) Start Slowly, But Steady
Start slowly by taking small steps, but remain consistent. Consistency is key. It can be easy to try multiple strategies, but soon, you will run yourself into the ground because you’re trying to keep up. Plus, it makes it harder to see what is working and what isn’t. It’s important to know both. If you start by taking small steps, then when your business grows and you see what is working, you can decide to continue with only doing that or adding other strategies down the line, if you choose.
Other Continuous Marketing Strategies
8. ) Copywriting
One key component to add to your marketing plan is copywriting. When copywriting for your website is strategically crafted, it can possess the power to attract your target audience and help form a connection. As a result, it can generate more leads and sales for your business. Your copy must speak directly to a specific group of people. If your website copy is generic and directed to everyone, it will be hard for the right client to connect with you and feel that you understand them.
If you already have a niche, perfect! If not, don’t worry. This is a great time to contemplate and determine a niche you are passionate about and want to specialize in.
When it comes to choosing a niche, you might be thinking:
I don’t know what to choose.
I want to work with everyone. I’m afraid I will limit the amount of leads I get if I choose a niche.
What if I choose a niche and later on I want to switch to another one? (It’s okay to start in one niche and decide later that you love another one more. A niche isn’t set in stone. You can switch completely or you can expand on who you work with. Whatever you decide, make sure your copy is updated and speaks to your current niche.)
By selecting a niche, you will be viewed as an expert and more people prefer to work with a specialist in what they want than a generalist.
9.) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
You probably have heard of SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, but don’t really know what it means. This topic can get complex, so let’s not go down that rabbit hole, right now. The main focus of SEO is to use specific keywords strategically in your content to help improve your website’s ranking position on the results page of a search engine.
When done strategically and effectively, it can help potential clients see your website on a search results page, such as Google and Bing, before other websites because your website content is listed higher up on the page. When people search the Internet for a plant-based health coach to help them, they tend to click on the links that are higher up on the page.
Please note that incorporating SEO is a long game. It can take months to see some results.
10. ) Email Marketing
When a potential client is searching for a plant-based health coach to help them maintain a vegan lifestyle, improve their nutrition, achieve other health goals, and find their way onto your website, it’s a great idea to have an email list they can subscribe to just waiting for them.
Even though some visitors will be ready to book your services the first time they are on your website, many won’t decide as quickly. When a potential client subscribes and receives your emails, they can see your expertise and form a connection over time. Then, you will have a better chance of being the first person they think of when they are ready to hire a plant-based health coach.
This is also a great option, especially if you’re an introvert and find it easier to communicate through writing. I understand. I’m a fellow introvert! The next idea is another great option too, if you’re more introverted.
11. ) Blogging
Blogging is a great way to market your plant-based business, especially if you enjoy writing. This marketing option combined with an effective SEO strategy can help attract more of your ideal clients. You can determine what specific topics you want to address to help educate them.
Be Authentic: Embrace Who You Are
One big piece of advice I can give you is to don’t be someone you’re not. Accept and embrace your personality! It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert. You can still be successful with marketing your plant-based health coaching business.
12. ) Use Your Strengths to Help and Connect With Others
I don’t know about you, but I don’t enjoy selling to people. It can feel like you’re trying to pressure someone into buying your service. That’s not who I am and I don’t want others to feel that way about me and my business. If you’re like me, then please don’t sell. Focus on educating people on the benefits of the services and providing solutions, and selling will become easier over time with more practice. You can answer questions or concerns that might arise too.
What are your strengths?
Do you have the gift of connecting through writing?
Whatever your strengths are, use them to help connect with your audience and truly understand them.
Break Out of Your Comfort Zone (A Little at a Time)
You have to get out of your comfort zone. Yes, I know it can be extremely uncomfortable to do that, but think of it this way, something has to change for you to achieve your goals, right? Remaining comfortable and not challenging yourself doesn’t lead to growth.
13. ) Podcasting (Be a Guest or Start Your Own)
Consider being a guest on a podcast or start your own if you discover a new love for being on one. Use this option to share your expertise while promoting your business.
Being on a podcast helps:
Build brand awareness.
People learn about what you have to offer.
Showcase you as an authority in your industry.
14. ) YouTube Channel
Using YouTube in your marketing strategy can help you build a larger audience, establish trust and authority, and improve your SEO ranking. YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world.
15. ) Social Media
Choose a popular social media platform your target audience is on to help raise brand awareness. Don’t feel like you need to be on every platform. It’s also unnecessary to post daily to run a successful business. Millions of people use social media platforms and it can be a great way to connect and engage with your audience.
16. ) Word of Mouth
Don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. When people feel they have received stellar service they want to tell others! Don’t be shocked when you receive excellent client feedback and they refer you. Leads from referrals can be easier to convert to clients because they trust the person who recommended you and tend to be more likely to book sooner than the average lead.
17. ) Networking
Many people don’t realize that networking can help you connect with others in your industry, build relationships, gain more knowledge, and get advice. If you decide to attend networking events, they can be free or at least a low cost.
Set Boundaries
18. ) Take a Break and Recharge Your Battery
You know yourself better than anyone. Honor your mind, body, and spirit by knowing when to take a proper break and taking appropriate action.
If you don’t actively make time to rest regularly, your body will make you do it eventually, but you will be exhausted and possibly sick. Plus, it probably will occur at an inconvenient time.
Your break doesn’t have to be long. It can consist of reading a chapter in a book you have been dying to read, sitting by a lake and enjoying nature, taking a nap, going to the movie theater, or you can practice meditation.
Remember this, it takes less time to recover when you take regular breaks than if you allow yourself to be depleted and have to fully recharge.
19. ) Get Help: Outsource Tasks
To help take the load off your shoulders consider hiring someone to do tasks you don’t enjoy doing, so you can focus on providing better attention to your clients and doing more of what you love.
Examples of tasks you can outsource:
Social Media Marketing
Administrative: Accounting, Bookkeeping
Brand Design
Website Design and Development
You can outsource anything you don’t enjoy doing or don’t have the time to do, so you can have more time to focus on working with clients and doing other things you love!
Remember that the beauty of creating a marketing plan is that you can tailor it to embrace who you and your business are. There are many ways to market your business and they are not set in stone once you begin. Adjust as you move along to what is most effective for you.
Be your authentic self, do something that you enjoy, and try your best to stay consistent!
Are you ready to make memorable connections with your ideal audience?
If you’re interested in hiring a vegan brand and web designer/developer to help showcase your marketing plan, please check my services and click the button below to schedule a free discovery call. I would love to chat!