9 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Plant-Based Health Coaching Website
When you have a plant-based health coaching business you want to ensure that your website is optimized to help you and your business succeed. Whether you do or don’t have a website yet, here are some mistakes you want to avoid making. If you realize you are currently making some of the following mistakes, take a breather. It will be okay because these can be fixed!
1. ) Not Having an Email List
A great element you want to have on your plant-based health coaching website is an email list. Many people who end up on your website won’t be ready to buy from you at that moment. You can stay at the top of their minds if you help turn them into a subscriber. When they are ready to buy they will automatically think of you.
You can check out some email marketing platforms here to get more details about which one would be best for you.
2. ) Having Many Misspellings/Typos
Now, we are all human and sometimes we might have a typo or misspelling somewhere at some point. It’s best to not have any errors, of course, but you certainly want to make sure you don’t have a lot of them. They are a big turn-off and can make you look unprofessional and like you don’t pay attention to details.
The best practice would be to proofread your website copy, also known as “text,'“ multiple times, take a break, do it again, use grammar software, and proofread one last time. You can even ask a family member or close friend to read it. It doesn’t hurt to have a fresh pair of eyes to look things over.
3. ) Not Being Mobile-Friendly
More people are searching online with their mobile devices, so it’s critical that your visitors can view your plant-based health coaching website easily. You may have heard the terms mobile-friendly or responsive design before. Well, responsive design means that your website can be properly adjusted to fit whatever screen a visitor is using. Mobile-friendly refers to your website specifically fitting the screen of a mobile device.
You don’t want a potential client to go to your website on their mobile device and your copy is cut off. If they can’t easily read your copy they will leave your website with a bad taste in their mouth. Not having a mobile-friendly/responsive website means that you risk missing out on many people who could’ve been potential clients.
4. ) Having Broken Links
This is a big overlooked issue. Most people add a link to their website and don’t think anything else about it. Unfortunately, this is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of situation. Links can change. Over time as your website grows you might add or delete pages, change the URL address for a specific page, or if you linked to an outside source and that source changes the link it can lead to you having a broken link.
We all have come across a broken link at some point. I recommend making it a habit of checking if you have any broken links at least once a month. There are plugins and other resources to help scan for them, but I highly recommend using Google Search Console. This is what I use. You need to have a Google account in order to use it. If you do, then you are able to use Google Search Console.
When you are in your Google Search Console account follow these steps:
Select the property you want to take a look at. (This is the domain name.)
Click on the “Indexing” dropdown arrow.
Click “Pages”.
At the top of the page select “All known pages” from the dropdown box. (You can go through the other choices afterward.)
Scroll down to the “Why pages aren’t indexed” section and look to see if “Not found (404)” is listed. Click it, if it’s a listed option, and it will bring you to a page of all the links that don’t lead anywhere.
Go through each broken link and fix them. You will have to redirect each link to another appropriate web page.
You want to fix these as soon as possible because having 404 errors decreases your visibility in search engines. You want people to be able to find you when they are searching for what they want!
If a potential client lands on a 404 page and they can’t find what they need they will head for the hills, so to speak. This is why I recommend taking time at least once a month to check for broken links. The more often you check, the easier it will be to stay on top of things and correct an issue if it arises.
5. ) Not Explaining How Your Services Can Help
If you are only stating what you do and not how you can help a potential client, then take this opportunity to make a change in the right direction. Of course, you need to list your services, but the majority of your copy should focus on how your services can help someone.
What solution(s) are you solving for them?
What results will they get?
How will they feel when they work with you?
For example, will your clients feel less stressed when working with you?
6. ) Having Large Blocks of Copy
It’s easy to get carried away with adding a ton of copy to your website in long paragraphs. You may think it doesn’t matter if you have long paragraphs all over your website, but it does matter. You might even think, “Well, books have long paragraphs and people read them. I can do the same thing on my website.” I’m here to tell you that you would be doing yourself a big disservice to follow that logic.
People tend to choose to sit down and read a book they are interested in. When it comes to websites people want to be able to easily scan and find what they are looking for quickly. Help them by breaking up long paragraphs into smaller chunks to make them more digestible. Generally, people find it overwhelming to try to scan large chunks of information and they might overlook the answer they need.
7. ) Not Having Simple Website Navigation
Make it easy for your website visitors by having a simple website navigation. You want there to be a nice flow from one part of your website to the next and for people to easily find what they are looking for. This will help increase the user experience and engagement while establishing credibility and trust.
8. ) Not Making Calls to Action Clear
Think about what your main website goals are and have your calls to action reflect them. For instance, if your goal is to increase the number of consultation calls you schedule, then make it easy and clear for someone to do so. Make it so that when someone clicks a call to action button it will lead them to schedule a call. It’s okay to have multiple calls to action, but I would stick with one to two.
If you have too many calls to action, then people won’t know what they are supposed to do next. Often, when people get confused or overwhelmed they will leave and go find another plant-based health coaching website that makes it clear and easy for them.
9. ) Not Using Easy-to-Read Typefaces
There are many beautiful and fancy typefaces, but you should carefully select appropriate ones that represent your brand AND are easy to read. I can’t tell you how often I come across fancy script typefaces I can’t read.
Who wants to spend their valuable time deciphering what a word is supposed to be?
I can tell you right now that your website visitors don’t! Please, PLEASE, make sure that easy-to-read typefaces are chosen. When you have a brand designer they should be selecting appropriate ones.
It can be easy to make mistakes on your plant-based health coaching website, so you can use the above tips to help prevent making them. You want your website visitors to have a great experience and be more engaged, create trust, and turn them into clients. Let’s get your website and business on the right path.
Are you ready to have your plant-based health coaching website attract more potential clients?
If you are interested in hiring a vegan brand designer and web designer/developer you can schedule a free discovery call below. I would love to chat!